Monday, December 3, 2007

Way To Go.. You RAWK!!

Jusr wanted to share a little something here. Lots of people will tell you, and it's actually very true, that one way to get visitors to your blog or website and build up that ever important traffic is to visit other blogs and websites and comment, comment, comment. After a while, it gets kind of redundant and boring, and you start to sound kind of insincere and generic if you say the same thing over and over. Great job! Thanks for the info! Loved this post.. whatever.. so, I found a site that gives you "101 Ways to Say Good Job" Maybe you can find a few things on the list to help shake up your comments and breathe some life into them.

Some of the suggestions are "That's a great point", "That's an interesting way to think about it", "Outta sight", "Super duper" and "That's a real work of art".. LOL Go ahead and check them out, see if you can find some you can use

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